Changing Your Habits Can Cut Down Your Gas Costs

By Rebecca Lane

Changing old habits is easier said than done. Once we get accustomed to certain routines, we find it hard to change them. But with gasoline exceeding four dollars a gallon we're rethinking our old driving habits to see if we can cut down on fuel consumption.

There are many ways you ca save on fuel. If we can just add a mile or two per gallon here and another there it will add up to significant savings over a period of time. Because oil is a non renewable fuel, cutting down how much we drive affects our dependency on foreign oil. Interestingly, over 50% of our gas comes from foreign countries.

Many of our bad old habits can be logged under one heading: Drive Sensibly. We should make an effort to end aggressive driving. In other words steer clear of rapid acceleration and quick braking. Elimination of aggressive driving can lead to an overall saving of 33% of gas used.

Surely, you don't speed. Are you sure? Speeders rarely get anywhere faster than drivers who don't speed, and they use larger quantities of gas. When speed exceeds 60 mph, gas consumption goes up quickly. On average, you spend an extra 30 cents a gallon for each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph.

it's advisable that you use cruise control when you can, such as when you drive on the highway, to ensure your speed remains constant. Use the highest gear possible and overdrive gears if you have them. You are using more gas when your engine turns fast. it is helpful to keep an eye on your tachometer. In addition, a slower turning engine also saves on friction and engine wear.

Avoid excessive idling. Idling will let your car run 0 miles per gallon. it's about as bad as it gets. If you estimate that you will be in line at a fast food restaurant or at the bank, or you're waiting for a passing train, for longer than 30 seconds, it is best to turn off your engine. The bigger your vehicle the more gas you're using even when idling. It costs less to restart than idle.

Turn off the air conditioning. If it gets hot in the car, you can also open a window and let in some fresh air. An air conditioner can lower your mileage by two to three miles per gallon.

Is the trip really unavoidable? Don't drive until you have several errands or appointments to combine. if possible, avoid driving during rush hour. Choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever you can.

You should know your exact route and destination before you go out. Don't drive around looking for something. I'm afraid the good old days of dragging Main Street with friends are gone. We have evolved into car-pooling and sharing driving and gas expenses with friends. You should also consider public transportation. Changing bad driving habits doesn't cost you a thing and will pay you big dividends in fuel economy and saving money.

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