The live data is nice, I watched my O2 sensors in action yesterday. It's easy to get past the serial port issue, just spend $10 on a USB to serial adapter. Luckily, I happen to have a parallel port on my old PC but many people don't. This is my first diagnostic code scanner.
Searched around at the local stores for this product but found the best price here on Amazon. Not a bulletproof or perfect test, but a very good indicator of vehicle health, and not something a dealer is expecting! Local stores did not have it in stock but would order it for about $50.00 more than I paid here. Took too long to receive the product and customer support did not help at all with PC link up. The version I received gives an upgrade for ABS check. I typically don't need to connect my scan tool to my PC as I can see the codes directly from the tool and I use other resources to run down the problem.
It came with a detailed instruction book on how to set up and use the product. Also I was able to see codes that I didn't know that was there and I was able to remove the codes once I replaced the parts that was needed. I paid a little more for the ability to see real time data, to keep an eye on suspect O2 sensors. Anyone that knows a little about vehicles can benefit from this tool and there is plenty of educational info on the internet to bring you up to speed.
I have found that to be not true. I tried it on my 2002 Suburban, 2000 Ford F-150, and my 2005 VW Jetta. This Diagnostic Code Scanner linked with the Vehicle on board computer and diagnosed the problem immediately.
I did load up the software that comes with the scanner and it appears that it may be helpful but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to get good service from the scanner. The only thing it does link to the PC. Buying a lower grade model would of been sufficient. The Equus 3130 does everything it says. It's kind of overpriced in today's economy. The features outside of the basic scan and live data are not very easy to access. The cables are very high-quality and the screen is large, clear, and bright. From all of the reviews of this product, I thought I was getting the top-of-line scanner that would work with any vehicle. I suspect one is the hardware folks and the other is the PC software folks, but there are different downloads from the different sites even though neither has the ".bin" file needed to update the unit. It doesn't seem to read anything other than the P codes (power train) so if you are trying to troubleshoot other anomalies with your car or truck, you're outta luck here. I don't know if this is a defect with my specific scanner or not but you may want to check yours out.
Overall it was a good product that seems to be built well!
Searched around at the local stores for this product but found the best price here on Amazon. Not a bulletproof or perfect test, but a very good indicator of vehicle health, and not something a dealer is expecting! Local stores did not have it in stock but would order it for about $50.00 more than I paid here. Took too long to receive the product and customer support did not help at all with PC link up. The version I received gives an upgrade for ABS check. I typically don't need to connect my scan tool to my PC as I can see the codes directly from the tool and I use other resources to run down the problem.
It came with a detailed instruction book on how to set up and use the product. Also I was able to see codes that I didn't know that was there and I was able to remove the codes once I replaced the parts that was needed. I paid a little more for the ability to see real time data, to keep an eye on suspect O2 sensors. Anyone that knows a little about vehicles can benefit from this tool and there is plenty of educational info on the internet to bring you up to speed.
I have found that to be not true. I tried it on my 2002 Suburban, 2000 Ford F-150, and my 2005 VW Jetta. This Diagnostic Code Scanner linked with the Vehicle on board computer and diagnosed the problem immediately.
I did load up the software that comes with the scanner and it appears that it may be helpful but I don't think it's absolutely necessary to get good service from the scanner. The only thing it does link to the PC. Buying a lower grade model would of been sufficient. The Equus 3130 does everything it says. It's kind of overpriced in today's economy. The features outside of the basic scan and live data are not very easy to access. The cables are very high-quality and the screen is large, clear, and bright. From all of the reviews of this product, I thought I was getting the top-of-line scanner that would work with any vehicle. I suspect one is the hardware folks and the other is the PC software folks, but there are different downloads from the different sites even though neither has the ".bin" file needed to update the unit. It doesn't seem to read anything other than the P codes (power train) so if you are trying to troubleshoot other anomalies with your car or truck, you're outta luck here. I don't know if this is a defect with my specific scanner or not but you may want to check yours out.
Overall it was a good product that seems to be built well!
About the Author:
As I said, it`s a Smart Tool because you can get from this scanner (Equus 3130 Innova Dianostic Scanner) multiple tasks on your vehicle and on the other`s wireless mp3 headphones.
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