Do you travel for miles in order to save a few coins on the price of gasoline? Are you being smothered by the soaring cost of gas to the point where you are afraid to drive anywhere, because the fuel gauge goes down so fast? Prior to getting to the point of trading your four wheels for two with pedals, try a few things that should ease the load.
Actually, there are many easy things, which also happen to be free, you're able to do to reduce fuel consumption. Do you ever check the tires to determine if they are properly inflated? Just by having the correct amount of air in your tires can help you save gas, because under inflated tires causes an increase in fuel consumption. A simple tire gauge is all you need to regularly check your tire pressure and save on gas, at no cost. Did you know that the time of day you buy gas can affect how much you will pay for what you get?
Gasoline is actually a fluid which is sold by volume, and since liquids expand with heat it makes sense to buy when it's coldest, to get the most for your money. Early mornings are typically cold, so getting your gas then enables you to save gas while avoiding the risk of traffic jams. It is really great that you have websites which tell you where gas is being sold cheapest, but obviously if you have to go far for a few pennies off you may end up not saving anything. A spotless car looks and feels better, but washing it becomes so much easier when you know your car can use less fuel if you keep it clean.
A clean car or truck will cause less drag, just like swimmers shaving off all of their body hair, or skiers sporting skin-tight racing suits, to go faster. Car-washing can get tedious, so permit it to be fun and get everyone involved. Kids really enjoy splashing each other and getting wet, as long as it's not cold out. So now, you recognize the engine-revving that youngsters - not you, of course - do at stop lights? You probably never noticed that if you revved your engine 15 times, you just burned enough fuel to travel a mile. Does not sound like much, until you practice it on a consistent basis. Remind yourself of this once you next run out of gas.
You probably can't stand taking your car or truck in to get it serviced, but it is a good idea, if you want to get the best gas mileage. It seems to be a trade-off in the short-term with paying for servicing your car, or paying for extra gas when you car isn't operating good. At a minimum, the filters - one for oil and one for air - must be checked that they're clean or replaced, as should the oil, and new spark plugs should be put in when your car is serviced.
Actually, there are many easy things, which also happen to be free, you're able to do to reduce fuel consumption. Do you ever check the tires to determine if they are properly inflated? Just by having the correct amount of air in your tires can help you save gas, because under inflated tires causes an increase in fuel consumption. A simple tire gauge is all you need to regularly check your tire pressure and save on gas, at no cost. Did you know that the time of day you buy gas can affect how much you will pay for what you get?
Gasoline is actually a fluid which is sold by volume, and since liquids expand with heat it makes sense to buy when it's coldest, to get the most for your money. Early mornings are typically cold, so getting your gas then enables you to save gas while avoiding the risk of traffic jams. It is really great that you have websites which tell you where gas is being sold cheapest, but obviously if you have to go far for a few pennies off you may end up not saving anything. A spotless car looks and feels better, but washing it becomes so much easier when you know your car can use less fuel if you keep it clean.
A clean car or truck will cause less drag, just like swimmers shaving off all of their body hair, or skiers sporting skin-tight racing suits, to go faster. Car-washing can get tedious, so permit it to be fun and get everyone involved. Kids really enjoy splashing each other and getting wet, as long as it's not cold out. So now, you recognize the engine-revving that youngsters - not you, of course - do at stop lights? You probably never noticed that if you revved your engine 15 times, you just burned enough fuel to travel a mile. Does not sound like much, until you practice it on a consistent basis. Remind yourself of this once you next run out of gas.
You probably can't stand taking your car or truck in to get it serviced, but it is a good idea, if you want to get the best gas mileage. It seems to be a trade-off in the short-term with paying for servicing your car, or paying for extra gas when you car isn't operating good. At a minimum, the filters - one for oil and one for air - must be checked that they're clean or replaced, as should the oil, and new spark plugs should be put in when your car is serviced.
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